Thursday 27 November 2014

We are Ready to Shed Our Blood For You- ISIS to Ferguson Protesters

We are Ready to Shed Our Blood For You- ISIS to Ferguson Protesters

Ever since Mike Brown was killed by a white police officer named Darren Wilson, the city of Ferguson has not been peaceful. The police officer who killed Mike was arrested and later released which makes the people of Ferguson mad. And they have been protesting for the government to take serious action on the case.

ISIS have pledged to send militants to fight police in Ferguson, Missouri if they accept to join Islam.
Islamic extremists have used this opportunity to pass this message across to the Ferguson protesters using the slogan “From #IS 2 Ferguson”.
One of the ISIS member, Jihadi Junaid Hussain tweeted a photograph of a hand written letter urging the Ferguson protesters to join them.

The letter reads;
Accept Islam & give bayah [allegiance] to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi & then we will send u soldiers that don’t sleep! – #IS #Ferguson’
‘We hear you and we will help you if you accept Islam and reject corrupt man-made laws like democracy and pledge your allegiance to Caliph Abu Bakr and then we will shed our blood for you and send our soldiers that don’t sleep, whose drink is blood, and their play is carnage.’

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