Wednesday 22 October 2014

Monica Lewinsky applauds Beyoncé for saying her name in ‘Partition

By now, you probably have heard that Monica Lewinsky made a public appearance Monday night to launch a
campaign to end cyber bullying, but if you weren’t listening closely enough, you might have missed the shoutouts she gave to some of the biggest names in music.

Lewinsky opened up about her infamous affair with President Bill Clinton in 1995 and said that she was of the first public figures to endure online harassment. “Having survived myself, what I want to do now is help
other victims of the shame game survive, too,” she told the audience at Forbes’ 30 Under 30 summit. “I want
to put my suffering to good use and give purpose to my past.”

The 42-year-old former White House intern has been reference in Pop Culture over the past decade, most
recently in Beyoncé‘s lyrics for Partition.

During her emotional speech Lewinsky thanked Beyoncé and slew of hip-hop artists for referencing her name in their music and thus keeping her relevant to a younger generation.

“Some of you might be asking, who the hell is she, this Monica? And what is she doing here?” Lewinsky said.
“Or maybe even, what is she doing in all of those rap lyrics? Thank you Beyoncé and Eminem, and Nicki Minaj, and Kid Cudi. Lil B and Lil Wayne. And of course G-Eazy. But let’s not forget Jeezy, and all the rest.”

In a May Interview with Vanity Fair entitled “Shame and Survival,” Lewinsky corrected Beyoncé on what she says is the proper verb to refer to the act of ejaculating on your partner. “Thanks, Beyoncé,” said Lewinsky. “But if we’re verbing, I think you meant ‘Bill Clinton’d all on my gown,’ not ‘Monica Lewinsky’d.’” Lmaoooo!

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