Wednesday 10 December 2014

Advice: 6 Things A Guy Should Never Do To Impress A Lady

sarcasmWe guys have been made to think that we must always do anything possible to impress the female folk. I’m not against a guy loving her babe, I’m against a guy doing silly things in order to impress a lady.
The truth is that most times, these actions come back to haunt us while, we get to regret at the end.

1. Consuming too much alcohol: most guys are guilty of this especially when trying to woo a lady or when taking her to bed. This is wrong in so many ways:

it will damage your health, its a temporary measure, you most times end up misbehaving and its not a guarantee that you’ll succeed in wooing or performing well in bed. Besides, the lady will know that you took something and that you
lack confidence and esteem. Be yourself.

2. Spending above your means: whether its buying things you don’t really need in
order to look rich and fly, or spoiling the lady with things you normally should
not be buying. Its wrong. I see a lot of guys do this and I keep wondering to
what purpose? The worst is many of them come back to their senses when its already too late!

3. Lying: I’m not talking about the small lies guys normally tell, I’m talking about bragging to a lady about what you’re not. Why tell a lady your father is Dangote’s
brother, or you’re a Chelsea player, or you work in Shell. This will make her have high expectation from you which you would be trying to live up to.
4. Badmouthing your fellow guys: Maybe a guy that is also coming after her. Its wrong for a guy to maltreat his fellow in any way because of a lady. Whether its badmouthing, fighting or quarelling with him, its not worth it.

5. Giving your values and beliefs: Maybe you’re a committed Christian or Muslim, you start backsliding or become uncommitted because she told you to. You start to abandon your loved ones and family, your studies begin to nosedive and even
your job sef, you become unserious. Its a very silly thing to do because when the chips are down, those are the only things that will get you going- God, your family and loved ones and your job which will put food on your table.

6. Pretending to be who you’re not: there’s no need to pretend to be a bad guy if you’re not.  There are still ladies who values good guys.You don’t need to force yourself to seem confident if you’re a shy guy. People will know you’re just acting it up.

10 Things Every Woman Should Have At Age 30


When I turned thirty in September (Virgos baby!), I became obsessed with all those online lists of the things every woman should have by the big 3-0. Proudly, I admit, I was able to check off quite a few of the most common ones – sexy little black dress, a skincare regimen, more than one ex, etc. – but I didn’t earn an A+. No worries, really. No unique woman fits any one list, I say. However, I did start to think about the sort of tools a 30-something wife oughta have under her belt when she hits that milestone age. Hence, this little list was born. If you tied the knot before thirty, I welcome your feedback. If you didn’t or haven’t, no judgments here – although, this list probably isn’t for you. (Don’t hate me.) That said, you can still weigh in too.

1. A Recipe that Will Make Her Husband Forgive Her for Anything
Admittedly, I’m still working on this one – I’m domestically challenged! – but, many wives have recommended I have one, so there must be something to it, right?

2. A Secret (or Not-So Secret) Account for Impulsive Shop Therapy
I don’t believe in “hiding” cash from your spouse, but I’m fully in support of enjoying what’s left of your paycheck after you and hubby have combined funds to take care of all household expenses, saving and beyond. Sliding a little bit of that remaining money aside and into an account he can’t see never hurt anyone. To me, it just means hearing “that bag cost how much?!” a few less times a season. (Wink!)

3. A Great Mattress (With Room for You Too!)
I don’t know about the sleeping arrangements in your bedroom, but in ours, my husband and dog both sleep like there’s no one else in bed but them. This inevitably leaves very little room for mama. Back when we had a crappy full (yes full!) sized mattress this was absolutely unbearable. But, when we splurged on an upgraded, queen-sized, pillow-top mattress, suddenly that all changed overnight. I still think my husband sleeps like he’s making a snow-angel and our dog doesn’t realize she’s not a toddler, but at least there’s room for me and falling asleep happens fast enough for me to barely notice.

4. A Go-To Foundation that Doesn’t Love Your Husband’s Shirt
I’ve learned this one the hard way. The cheaper the makeup, the friendlier it is with your clothes, and his. The nights I want to look the best are usually the same ones I want to spend snuggled up with my husband in a restaurant booth or something. Honestly, all foundations rub off at some point, but some are worse than others and you know it. I have found a few foundations that allow me to be confident enough to buy my husband white shirts as Christmas gifts again, so I know you can too.

5. A Happy Place
The mall. Home Goods. The spa….Your bestie’s house. I really don’t care where you go to find your zen moment and bask in it, just know where it is and how to get there fast when you need to.

6. A Friend Who Truly Never Gets Tired of Hearing You Vent
It’s true. Marriage really does have its ups and downs, and when the roller coaster has you raging down a steep, seemingly endless hill, you will need a kind shoulder to call on. Know whom it belongs to and appreciate the gift that is pure, kind, non-judgmental friendship at its very finest.

7. A Cocktail or Wine You Can Count On
Now, I’m not encouraging alcoholism or bar hopping here, but the right drink can remedy more bullshit than most medicines. Know your drink of choice and don’t be afraid to add it to your weekly grocery list.

8. A Sexy Lingerie Set that Will Make Her Husband Forgive Her for Anything
Does this need an explanation? Invest, ladies!

9. Life Insurance Policies
Death of a spouse is not something anyone likes to plan for, but it’s not something you ever want to be unprepared for either. We’re in the process of getting this together presently. One thing we’ve learned so far: It’s far more affordable the sooner you open the policies, and there are so many options out there that it’s worth taking your time, doing the research and choosing wisely.

10. A Cute Pair of Shoes She Can Take On Anything In
From daylong errand runs to back-to-back friends’ kid’s birthday parties, sometimes weekends are unavoidably exhausting. It’s tempting to cop out and sport sneakers or boots all day, but if you must look the part, it pays to have a pair of shoes that are truly fabulous and comfortable too. I know. I know. They’re tough to find. Believe me, I get it. But seek and eventually ye shall find at least one pair. And, when you do, cherish them!

Male Perspective: 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Have “Friends” Of The Opposite s*x

TNMCoupleCellPhoneWorkKitchen_feature-588x260Mary J. Blige’s comment about not allowing each other to have friends of the opposite s*x sparked a lot of water cooler discussion at work. To give proper context to her comment, the interviewer asked her what the benefits of marrying one’s manager are. MJB’s response was, “…If one of you don’t want to talk about something right now, you have to respect that. And you have to respect each other’s space.” – The Telegraph. So, it was in the context of respecting each other’s space that MJB was like,

“All females for me, all guys for him. There’s none of that, ‘Oh, that’s my female friend. Oh, that’s my guy friend.’ No. Not in a marriage, I’ve never seen that work.” The Telegraph

I strongly agree! When I first got married, I wanted to hang out with my friends like I did when I was single. My wife, on the other hand, had no interest of hanging out till 2am with my friends. But she did something that saved our marriage: she hung out anyway. She didn’t want me around all those women…by myself…who knew I was married but didn’t care. In hindsight, I should have pulled back on my social game. But had she not been around, I would have created two personas: one when she was around, and another when she wasn’t. And the unchaperoned persona would have permitted me to interact with my female friends in a way the chaperoned persona could not do in front of my wife. And we all have seen that married guy before…right?

[Working definition of friend: one who you know and/or hang out with socially outside of work without your spouse]

Let’s be real! The #1 reason MJB doesn’t want her man to have female friends is because she doesn’t what him to cheat on her. Even though she knows there’s no fool-proof way of preventing him, this restricted access limits the risk of that happening. Here are 4 reasons why I think it’s healthy for married couples to limit the risk of cheating by restricting the opposite s*x from the status of ‘friend’.

As I already mentioned, you’ll act one way when your spouse is around…but another way when she’s not. Not all the time. But even once is more than enough and sets a bad precedent for future interactions.

Having restrictions on female “friends” is like self cock-blocking. The side you show when your wife is not around would not be acceptable if she was standing right next to you. And that is dangerous because the s*xual tension sparked by the forbidden fruit is tantalizing. History is wrought with men and women that thought they were strong enough to resist the forbidden…ask David and Sampson.

With respect, MJB is sexy. But so are millions of other women, respectfully speaking. Just because one’s wife is sexy doesn’t mean that other women aren’t. Restricting another sexy woman from “friend” status helps limits the risk that he will cheat with his sexy “friend”.

No matter how innocent things start out – helping a fellow student study for an exam, assisting a co-worker with a project, or working together in a church ministry – you might start catching feelings for your female friend. The thing about feelings is…you can’t control them. You can control your emotions, which is how you respond to your feelings. But if you start feeling like you’re falling in love with your female “friend”, you can’t stop that feeling. Yes, you can catch feelings for anyone, at anytime; and your spouse can’t control that. But putting restrictions on who has access to you and in what environment mitigates the risk you’ll catch feelings for your female “friends”.

There’s no 100% fool-proof way to stop your man or woman from cheating. But I think it is wise and healthy to institute some family standards, to which you both adhere, that reduce the risk of someone cheating. I’d rather have them and not need them, than not have them and find out too late that I needed them all along. We’ve got ours. You got yours?

5 Free Gift You Should Give To Your Husband For Christmas


The older we become, the more Christmas can look like one large bill rather than a time we set aside to spend times with those we love the most. And as you struggle to find that perfect gift for the man in your life, I’m here to suggest a few simple and affordable options that could make his Christmas that much brighter. Not all gifts have to be a large box, a big bow, and an oversized price tag to match. Get him everything on the list, and it won’t cost you a penny, but you better start getting your renewal vows together, because there’s no way he’s letting you get away for another man to have all this fun.

5. Full body massage
Men like being pampered too. Especially if it’s directly by their woman. After the kids go down, set the mood, tell him to relax, pour a glass of his favorite beverage, turn on his favorite tunes and go to work on his aching muscles for about an hour. Use the fact that he’s literally putty in your hands to your advantage and engage in some conversation that you have been wanting to have. It’s okay – he’s not going anywhere.

4. Videogame Time
Before marriage and fatherhood, your husband most likely had an intimate relationship with Call of Duty, Madden, Grand Theft Auto – or maybe all of them. Show him that the console isn’t a threat to your relationship and schedule some quality gaming time for him to get reacquainted with his digital ego. After a few hours of touchdowns, completed missions, and dodging bullets, your husband will emerge with the smile of victory ready to embrace the everyday challenge of figuring out what’s for dinner tonight.

3. Night/Day out with the fellas
Sometimes a man needs to talk about men issues with other men around. Historically, you haven’t been that thrilled to discuss Sport Center’s Top 10 list, and he’s been dying to talk about Odell Beckham, but can’t seem to get to you grasp the gravity of the situation. Call a few of his happy hour buddies and tell them to surprise your man at the local watering hole for a few hours. He’ll come back refreshed and ready to watch more of HGTV’s greatest hits cuddled up at your side.

2. s*x
This is the no brainer that for some reason we still need to bring up. More than anything, your husband wants to know he’s still desired by his wife. And believe it or not, he still wants very much to be emotionally connected as well. For men, it happens through attentive s*x. There was a time in your lives when the two of you couldn’t keep your hands off one another. I mean, how did your kids get here, right? Show him you still can’t keep your hands to yourself, and block off some intimate time to remind each other you’re still that same couple – just in more a seasoned package.

1. Sleep
Sometimes all a man wants is to close the door, pull the covers over our heads and snore uninterrupted for approximately 3 – 7 hours straight. Show your husband some hotel-style turndown service with a preset alarm clock and the sounds of Kenny G playing softly in background, and he may look in your eyes while shedding a tear of gratitude. Then he may change the music, but he’ll still get the best sleep of his life and wake wondering where he ever found such a thoughtful spouse.

Karruche And Chris Brown Re-Conciled

According to new report by Hollywoodlife, Karrueche is being the bigger person and she has accepted Chris Brown’s apology after all what he has done to her.
Karrueche Has Forgiven Chris Brown
A close source told the media site that Karrueche,26, may have felt hurt and angry about Chris childish behaviour but she knows his heart and knows that he didn’t mean any of the horrible things he said about her [including calling her a bitach on stage when performing in LA’s Power 106 concert on Dec. 5]
Karrueche loves Chris, 25, for the man he wants to be and for the man he almost is.
The insider said;
“She does forgive him. She said, ‘I forgive Chris Brown. That’s just who he is,’”Kae knows this whole ordeal is a sure sign that Chris still isn’t well mentally and that he still has work to do. She absolutely accepts his apology but she also knows full well that another episode like this is bound to happen.
Karrueche was hurt, yes. His words and the way he tried to make her look less than loyal were cruel. But at this point, she’s not taking it personally and won’t in the future because she knows this is part of his personality and she knows he’s still in therapy and getting help for this exact reason. She’s in this for the long haul and wants to see him mentally healthy.”

4 Mentalities Men Need To Stop Dogging Their Wives

TNMMaleThinkingCloseUp_feature-586x260Fellas stop dogging your wives! Ok ok ok before all of the men get in an uproar let me explain! So I was in the sauna at the gym the other day and a man (who I didn’t know) came in, then proceeds to go on a big negative rant about his wife and her nagging, complaining and everything else. While I empathized because we must admit that there are some wives who are just unhappy with themselves and thus take it out on everyone else. However, what I’ve found, is that many times behind an unhappy wife is an unengaged, unconscious, disconnected, or selfish husband. It’s almost never one persons fault, yet we complain about our spouses like we are perfect.

Let’s break down those 4 things…

1). Unengaged
I recently wrote an article about “showing up” in your relationship where I address how sometimes as men we are home but we aren’t engaged in anything that is going on in the home. Sometimes we aren’t spending any real quality time with our spouse or the children. It’s been months since you took her out on a date, it’s been weeks since you’ve kissed her or told her you love her. She’s starting to feel insecure and you haven’t done anything to reassure her. Sometimes that “nagging” is really just her begging for your attention and affection.

2). Unconscious
You are sitting around thinking that you are treating her perfectly, meanwhile she isn’t getting any of her needs met. She walks around being passive aggressive but because you’re so self-absorbed, you haven’t even noticed and thus you are unconscious. You haven’t checked in with her to see if everything is okay, or to see what more you could be doing to meet her needs. Take some time to check in with her instead of remaining unconscious and then complaining to everyone else about her.

3). Disconnected You haven’t touched her in months, you spend more time looking at the computer than looking at her. You spend more time with your boys than you do with her and you haven’t put it down in the bedroom in a while. She feels like she is losing you because you seem so distant, yet when she asks you about it, you say everything is fine. In her gut she probably thinks you’re having an affair and slowly but surely she begins to grow resentful and bitter towards you. She just wants you to reconnect with her but you keep pushing her further away. It’s time you reconnected with her!

4). Selfish
Why is everything always about you? Yes, that’s what she may be wondering because anything that has to do with you, of course you are all into. Anything concerning her or the kids you show very little interest in. She has been serving you and your needs for years and all she really wants is some reciprocation. She feels like she’s been talking and you’ve been hearing her but have yet to listen. Its time you listen.

Fellas this isn’t an article focused on condemning you because we all fall short sometimes. Hell, I’ve been there before, blaming everyone but myself. I wrote it so that we become conscious about what we may or may not be doing. I wrote it so that you take self-inventory before you find yourself in a sauna complaining to strangers about how bad your wife is. Besides, it’s when she stops nagging that you really need to be worried.

Pakistian Girl Malala Yousafzai Recieve Nobel Peace Award

Malala Yousafzai Receives Her Nobel Peace Price
17 year old Pakistani girl rights activist Malala Yousafzai Receives Her Nobel Peace Price today the 10th of December at the city hall in Oslo, Norway. She won the award in October alongside Indian activist Kailash Satyarthi.
She gave a little speech on receiving the award and this is what she had to say:

“I tell my story, not because it is unique, but because it is not. It is the story of many girls. I am pretty certain that I am also the first recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who still fights with her younger brothers”

Malala Yousafzai Receives Her Nobel Peace Price 23F0C1A300000578-2868411-image-m-19_1418216249929 23F0B77900000578-0-image-a-11_1418216088112
Queen Latifah and Steven Tyler were also spotted at the event.